
In conclusion, with his personality the therapist brings the spring to the patient who lives in a frozen land.
The core of the supreme therapist is the spring which is named compassion( í±Ýè) in Buddhism, Jen (ìÒ) in Confucianism, God¡¯s grace in Christianity.

The Taopsychotherapy is the fusion of the Tao and western psychotherapy. By sorting out ¡°pure gold¡± among both. One can restore, rejuvenate or activate both psychotherapy and Tao practice (meditation) and give them the right direction. Many Asian psychiatrists maintained that the western psychoanalytic theory and technique cannot be applied to Asian patients. However Taopsychotherapy proves the ¡°pure gold¡± of western psychotherapy and the Tao practice is essentially the same and can be applied both in East and West, all over the world.

The late professor Edwin Reischauer predicted early 1970¡¯s that in the 21th century there will emerge new civilization in the North East Asia for the first time in 5000 years of human history. This civilization is the fusion of the North East Asian tradition and Western science. Although the western psychotherapy cannot be said as science, this fusion of western psychotherapy and the Tao which is the essence of North East Asian tradition could be the forerunner of this new civilization predicted by Reischauer.


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¡Ø Ten-Oxen-Pictures illustrate the process of purification of mind. Pictures of this site are Ten-Oxen-Pictures of Songgwangsa Temple.