The essence of the East Asian tradition is the Tao(Confucianism,
Buddhism, Laotzu and Chuangtzu), in other words, purification
of mind, removing complexes, pacifying the mind by accepting
reality as it is, correcting cognitive distortion by
removing projection.
Medard Boss(1976) maintained that in terms of the purification
of the mind the best western psychoanalytic training
is only an introductory course.
In western psychoanalysis and psychotherapy the therapist¡¯s
task is to make the patient express him- or herself
as freely as possible, make him or her face his or her
real self, and to remove the distortion of the patient(transference)
and that of the therapist(countertransference). If you
remove all these you will have perfect empathy, no barrier
between you and the other.
In this paper the author will illustrate how to achieve perfect empathy by quoting Confucian, Buddhistic,
Laotzian and Chuangtzuan tenets.
How to Achieve Perfect
Empathic Capacity
The Chinese character denoting holiness is sheng (á¡).
This character is composed of three characters £º
ì¼(ear), Ï¢(mouth) and ìó(clear). This definition of sheng (á¡) in the dictionary is ¡°No place
not to be able to communicate.¡± The ¡°So-called holy man or sage( á¡ìÑ) is the one who is versed in
the great way, with change finds no obstacle, who can empathize with every being in the universe.¡±
This is perfect empathy(Fig. 3).
The one who achieves this stage of human maturity is called the sage in Confucianism, Buddha in
Buddhism, perfect or true man in Taoism(Laotzu or Chuangtzu). Among these three kinds of Tao
(Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism), in terms of the description of the purification of mind,
Buddhism is most accurate and detailed. In this paper the author will illustrate the process of achieving
perfect empathic capacity(purification of mind) by Buddhistic description. In Buddhism, if you want
to reach subject-object congruence(perfect empathy), you have to remove three veils which exist
between you and the object or reality(Fig. 4). |
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